COVID-19 Pandemic

Send some kindness towards our GharPari’s

In light of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in Pakistan, we are witnessing an economic slow-down and a decrease in economic interaction to attempt to flatten the curve of transmission. The most vulnerable population are in actual our daily wage earners which includes GharPar beauticians who have been deeply impacted by this deadly pandemic.

It is in this spirit that we at GharPar ask your kind souls to reach out financially to our more than 100 daily wage earning (dihaari) beauticians, who are the breadwinners in their very low income, high risk homes.

100% of the donations will be divided among our beauticians with none of your donations being used by the company for itself. We thank you and are grateful for your help in advance.

How to Donate?

  • Send your chosen amount to our Bank Account
  • Bank Account details are;
    • Bank Name: FINCA Micro Finance
    • Bank Account Title: GHARPAR
    • Account No: 03558306016
  • Send a screenshot to the following number with your name
  • We will be sending you details of the total amount raised

GharPar is dedicated to maintaining a base sal

ary for our technicians; however, any financial help would be immensely appreciated by our beauticians who are increasingly unable to leave their homes because of current and impending lockdowns.

What makes a home, “home?”

What makes you leave everything and everyone behind each evening and dart for that niche of land which alone can provide comfort?

More importantly, is it possible for a home to be a person and not just a place? At GharPar we not only believe it can, but trust it is.

And it is the doting mothers, loving wives, and longing sisters that make it possible.

What makes the GharPar experience truly unique are the women behind it. At GharPar, our mothers, daughters and sisters are entrepreneurs who are running their own independent at-home beauty business — on their own schedule — in Lahore, Islamabad and Pindi- and now they need your kindness!

Get to know our GharPari’s

Sofia Bibi

48 Years Old, Nishat Colony – Lahore  (Mother of 3)

(Facial & Waxing)

A mother of three, Sofia’s husband has been on dialysis for three years and is unable to make ends meet. Sofia met the GharPar management through her sister, an existing GharPar technician, and joined the platform instantly. Since joining the platform Sofia has seen her income increase by nearly 10 times what she was making earlier, and can now with ease pay for her husband’s healthcare, has put her sons back in school, and has placed a down-payment to own a house of her own.

Samina Ejaz

36 Years Old, 7 up Stop – Lahore (Mother of 4)

(Hair & Makeup)

A mere year ago, Samina Ejaz shockingly lost her husband to a freak cardiac arrest leaving her as the only one to run her home of four children. In this incredibly hard moment Samina became an example of resilience. Samina had GharPar three years ago, attained training in hair and make-up, and went on to become one of the platforms star technicians earning upwards of Rs. 100,000 a month.

Post her husband’s passing away, Samina also added more responsibilities to just being a beautician and became a Hub Trainer where she trains other women in beauty skills and teaches them about self-confidence, grooming, tech literacy and financial literacy.

Kulsoom Umar

(Nails & Waxing)

Kulsum came to GharPar from a difficult family background. A member of her family was suffering from severe addiction, and the challenge and heartbreak of this led Kulsoom into a period of severe depression. Since joining Gharpar, Kulsoom has been able to put her family member into rehab. He is now in recovery and supports Kulsoom in her appointments. She is known in the GharPar team as the happiest camper of all.

Farzana Rocks

Khanapul, Rawalpindi

(Waxing & Massage)

A mother of 2, Farzana Rocks is literally rocking Islamabad and Pindi with her 5 star ratings. Left to raise her children as a single mother, Farzana roze to the challenge and became an agent of change for her own life. She heard of GharPar through community mobilisation and decided to join.

By not becoming a burden to her in-laws or own family, Farzana has become an example of strength. Today her children are back in school and was able to spread happiness amongst her own family by spending the best christmas with them!

Safia Javed


Safia is more popularly known as ‘The Healer’ thanks to her magic hands and restorative massages. Before joining GharPar, Safia worked as house help in Lahore, with a monthly income of Rs 5,000.

Her husband was a driver. But they teamed up together to join GharPar, with her husband driving Safia to her jobs, and now Safia can afford to have a house help of her own.

In this difficult time, let’s spread kindness and look after the most vulnerable population of Pakistan who have been the most impacted.

Stay safe
Stay GharPar