To make sure that your lips are pink and healthy, try out these simple homemade remedies and tips to make your day!
As women of the 21st century, we love our lips. We are fond of putting both nudes and bright lip colours on the lips. It won’t be wrong to say, that lips these days, define a look. They set a mood for the day but when your lips are rough or dry, there is no way a lip shade can hide those faults and all your looks get wasted. If you are someone who takes your chapped lips for granted, then there is nothing we can do about it except to convince you to change that way of living for good.
Lips are made up of much thinner and more sensitive skin than the rest of your body which is why they can easily crack. The thin skin on your lips makes them very sensitive which is why they require more care from you than the rest of the body. There are very few oil glands in your lips and the amount of melanin that can filter out the sun’s rays is equal to nil. The absence of these two major natural elements from lips makes them highly vulnerable to getting damaged easily. In winter, you might get chapped and dry lips every other day. The cold and dry air makes your lips get dry very easily. In summer, the story is no different. The harsh sun rays can darken your lips and the dry air can take away the moisture from them.
How to Make Lips Pink and Healthy
Below are some of the problems that our lips can face irrespective of what season of the year we are in.
Chapping doesn’t require a season or a month to happen. Your lips can get chapped up whenever they are dry and lack some vital protection through various vitamins. For chapped lips, a reasonable lip balm is required to give back life to your lips. Make sure to use a balm that’s rich in vitamins A and K.
Lips can easily get cracked when they come in contact with dry air. To prevent this from happening, again moisturising lips with balm before going to bed can heal your lips in no time.
Lips can start bleeding when the skin that holds them together, starts losing its elasticity. This is a common problem for people who are ageing and also for those who smoke regularly.
Blisters on lips are caused by viral infections. They are highly painful and these blisters sore up the lips and make them look ugly. For such infections, it is always recommended to see a doctor and take advice accordingly.
Now that we are totally aware of the problems that our lips can face if we don’t look after them, let us enlighten ourselves with different ways, tricks and tips that we can follow to ensure that our lips are taken full care of and are treated well. You must have heard of this saying, ‘Prevention is better than cure’. With lips, especially, the above quite sits perfectly because of their sensitivity. Make sure you take all your precautions with lips so that you don’t have to struggle to find a cure when they are all ruined and damaged.
Look Younger by Applying the Right Lipstick
Below are some amazing tips that can help you take care of your lips :
Exfoliating your lips is as important as exfoliating your face. Just before going to bed, make sure to apply an amazing quality of lip balm on your lips. After you have woken up, gently rub your lips with a toothbrush to remove any dead skin. This process will also accelerate blood circulation in your lip area making them appear pink and healthy.
A tablespoon of honey mixed with a tablespoon of almond oil can make a beautiful lip scrub that can protect your lips for a long time. The scrub will help moisturise your lips and keep them soft. You can make this scrub in a large quantity and keep the mixture safe in an airtight jar. Use this scrub every night before going to bed.
You cannot always blame the weather for your dry lips. Ask yourself if you are consuming enough water to keep your skin healthy and hydrated. 8 glasses of water are recommended to be consumed every day. The water you consume can make so much difference to your skin and lips so why not start making this a habit from today?
Not all lip balms are great. Some have camphor that can lead to lip dryness. Balms that have ingredients such as coconut oil, Shea body butter and cocoa butter are great to provide protection against damaging sun rays and pollution. Also, sometimes it’s great to check the brand of your balm as well. Sometimes the cheaper and unknown brand balms can prove to be quite harmful.
Aloe Vera gel is easily available from any drugstore. Get a bottle for your lips and apply it daily to see a significant change with time. If you can’t get your hands on a bottle, extract the gel yourself from an aloe vera leaf and keep it safe in an airtight jar. Aloe Vera is a healer and can help soothe your lips in just a short time.
We have talked so many times about the greatness of lemon juice. Apply some lemon juice on your lips daily for bright and pink lips. Lemon juice can help remove dead skin from your lips. Make sure to avoid applying lemon juice on your cracked lips. The juice might sting and may cause pain and allergy.
If you want healthy lips for yourself, make sure that you wipe off any lipstick or makeup you have on your lips before bedtime. Sleeping in with all the chemicals on your skin isn’t a great idea so before it’s too late and you start getting lazy, make an effort and wipe off everything you have on your face with a makeup wipe.
We can go on and on about the different things you can do to keep your lips healthy but for now, will stop here and challenge you to start taking care of your lips with the above tips first.
Remember whatever you do, make sure that you cherish what you have. Thin, thick, dark or pink, whichever kind of lips you have, love them and own them. Only then you will have the urge to take full care of them.
Filed under: Tips and Myths
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