Home Remedies for Skin Pigmentation | Remove Dark Spots

5 Remedies to Cure Skin Pigmentation

Did you look in the mirror this morning only to find lots of pigmentation and dark spots on your face? While skin pigmentation is completely harmless, having an unnatural Mark’s on your face, hands and neck may negatively affect your confidence.

There are many reasons that cause skin pigmentation. Some may lead to severe pigmentation while others may result in mild acne. Read on as we explore some of the major reasons behind this common skin problem and look into some fruitful natural remedies as possible cures.

Causes of Skin Pigmentation

Have a look around! Almost every woman around you is a victim of skin pigmentation. This is a common skin issue that leads to dark circles around your face. But what initiates this problem? Let’s find out.

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  • Excess production of melanin in your body may lead to skin pigmentation. Melanin gives your skin its true colour. However, an unnatural production may result in dark circles around your face.
  • Do you wear sunscreen when you leave your house? If you don’t, you can easily become a victim of excess exposure to Ultraviolet rays. This may result in discolouration of your skin and severe acne.
  • People going through Chemotherapy may face issues with their skin, including hyperpigmentation. Several skin orders are a side effect of treatment used against cancer.
  • If skin pigmentation runs in your family’s gene, chances are you may suffer from this problem too.
  • If you are pregnant or going through severe hormonal changes, you may suffer from hyperpigmentation.

There may be more than one reason behind your skin not looking like it used to a few years back. If skin pigmentation is bothering you and you hate going out with this face, take the charge.

Continue reading as we take a look into some of the most natural home remedies to treat skin pigmentation for good.

Natural Remedies to Treat Pigmentation

Living with pigmentation is not easy. An uneven skin with dark spots around your face isn’t a great sight. Moreover, no makeup trick works effectively to hide the dark marks.

The only way to get rid of skin pigmentation is a regular use of a home remedy. Below are some of our effective remedies who have worked wonders for people with all skin types.

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However, all natural cures demand consistency, commitment and time. For these treatments to work their magic, follow them religiously and give enough time for your skin to recover.

  1. Potato and Lemon Mask

We have all grown up hearing about the excellent bleaching properties of lemon for our skin color. Moreover, potatoes have enzymes that are pretty awesome with pigmentation treatment. A perfect blend of these two make a successful mask for your skin problems.

For this mask you need:

  • 1 potato
  • ½ squeezed lemon juice

Take a potato and grate it into thin slices. Now blend the grated pieces and lemon juice together. Mix until it forms a thick paste. Apply the mask on your face and leave it for half an hour.

Once done, wash your face with cold water. Repeat this remedy every day until you feel a difference on your face.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar has more benefits than experts tell you on news or articles. ACV is a super-effective astringent and fights against all kinds of acne, pigmentation and skin discoloration.

To apply ACV on your face, you need:

  • ½ cup ACV
  • ½ cup water

Apple Cider Vinegar dissolves perfectly in water and forms a thick solution. Apply this mixture on your face and let it stay for 15 minutes. To wash it off, rinse your face with lukewarm water.

Pigmentation takes time to completely disappear. So for that keep practicing this remedy two times daily for a month at least.

  1. Turmeric Mask

Turmeric is an excellent bleaching agent. It kills bacteria and opens your skin’s pores. When mixed with milk, turmeric becomes a super effective cleanser to remove all blemishes and dark spots.

For Turmeric Mask you need:

  • 6 Tbsp. Turmeric Powder
  • Milk according to your desired thickness

In a bowl, add some turmeric and drop in some milk. Gently mix the paste until you achieve a desired thickness. Apply this mask on the dark areas of your face. Keep it on for an hour before washing it off with lukewarm water.

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For quick results, follow this remedy at least twice a day. Turmeric has no side effect; however it may react with sensitive skins.

  1. Honey and Aloe Vera Mask

While honey softens your skin and fights against blemishes, Aloe Vera has antibacterial properties that cure skin pigmentation. The mix of honey and Aloe vera works wonders.

For Honey and Aloe vera mask, you need:

  • 1 tbsp. Aloe Vera Extract
  • 2 tbsp. honey

Mix aloe vera gel with honey with a spoon. Mix well until a thick paste forms. Apply this mask on your face and keep it on for half an hour.

If you feel any kind of irritation, wash your face as soon as you can. However if you feel nothing, repeat this remedy twice a day.

Aloe Vera may feel harsh on some skin types. However, it rarely causes any damage other than some redness.

  1. Yogurt and Honey Mask

To get back your pigmentation-free face, a honey and yogurt mask may help you out. Yogurt is a great cleanser. It removes dark patches and clears acne.

For the Yogurt and Honey Mask you need:

  • ½ cup yogurt
  • 2 tbsp. honey

Mix yogurt and honey in a bowl. Use a spoon to blend well until a paste appears. Apply the mask on your face and cover all the dark areas. Keep the mask for at least half an hour. Wash it off with lukewarm water or with the best face wash if the yogurt’s smell doesn’t go away.

Repeat this remedy thrice every week. It may take a month before you see a visible difference.


While skin pigmentation may be harmless, it’s not healthy to live with skin that has dark patches and uneven skin. To boost your decreased confidence, follow the remedies mentioned above.

However to notice visible results, be consistent with the treatment. Skin Pigmentation may take months to disappear. So, for that take it slowly and stay committed.

We wish you a healthy skin!

Filed under: Skin Care, Tips and Myths

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