How to Make Lip Gloss Last Longer

Enlighten yourself with 6 tips to make your lip gloss last for a long time.

Do you love lip gloss?

We have yet to come across a woman who doesn’t love lip gloss. It is one of the most used and loved makeup products. And why it shouldn’t be, a lip gloss is so easy to apply and blends in well with your lips. Moreover, a high-end lip gloss is far cheaper than lipstick. If you are a teenager and not allowed to use lipstick, you can always apply lip gloss and no one will stop you.

But there is a but. As much as we love lip gloss and can’t get tired of it, it does have a few disadvantages. Firstly, it has a super sticky texture. Unlike matte lipsticks or even liquid lipsticks, a lip gloss feels too thick and slimy. Besides, it also lacks that long-lasting factor. Lip gloss tends to wear off really quickly. This is the most frustrating thing about this otherwise amazing product.

However, the above negative points about lip gloss shouldn’t decrease the love you have for this makeup item. A lip gloss does have these issues but they can be resolved. Yes, you can enjoy a single application of lip gloss for as long as you want.

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Read ahead to know how you can achieve a smooth lip gloss texture with the ability to stay on your lips all day.

6 Tips to keep your lip gloss perfect for a whole day

  1. Choose a perfect formula

Lip gloss is similar to lipstick and so its formula matters. The stickier the lip gloss, the longer it stays. We know how you hate a sticky liquid on your lips but if you want to enjoy its longevity, get a sticky and tough formula. Oily formulas are pretty hydrating but what is the point when they don’t stay for long?

  1. Exfoliation before application increases its life

Exfoliated lips are smooth and hydrated. When you do not exfoliate before a lip gloss application, you give the lip gloss a dry and unbalanced surface to stick to. It is hard for any sticky material to blend and absorb with a dry base. So for that purpose only, exfoliate your lips using a toothbrush. Gently rub a wet brush on your lips in a circular motion. This process removes all kinds of dead skin cells and makes your lips look fresh and smooth.

  1. Fill your lips with a lip liner

Before you apply a lip gloss, fill your lips with a lip liner. This tip holds the lip gloss’ formula strongly. With a lip liner application below lip gloss, you can also create a successful illusion of coloured lips for long. For instance, even if your gloss wears off, your matte lip liner will leave an impression of coloured lips for long.

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  1. Use a foundation base

Foundation is for the face so why apply on the lips? Well, a foundation is a powerful product that binds all makeup products firmly. A good foundation increases the staying power of your lip gloss. Just take a small amount of foundation or concealer and tap it on your lips. Don’t overdo it. Once dried, apply your gloss over the foundation layer. With this tip, we confirm your lip gloss will keep its colour and texture for straight 6 to 7 hours.

  1. A lip primer does wonders

If you do not know already, there are some amazing lip primers available in the makeup market now. You can apply a lip primer on your lips and prep them to adjust with any product you apply. A lip gloss sticks well with a primer and stays put for a whole day.

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  1. Apply matte lipstick first

This tip is pretty common and widely known. Many makeup experts use this trick to increase the life of lip gloss. Apply any matte lipstick below your lip gloss. You can choose contrasting or similar colours to create your favourite look.

Final Words

Lip gloss has always been in fashion and it will remain as long as everyone learns how to make it stay longer. Follow the tips above and share your experiences with us. We are sure these tips will upgrade your lip gloss game.

Filed under: Beauty, Makeup & Hair, Tips and Myths

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