How to Organize Your Makeup Products While Quarantined

Here’s how you can use your quarantine time to organize your makeup products

Staying in quarantine isn’t an alien phenomenon anymore. Almost 196 nations across the globe are locked in their houses to reduce and eventually stop the spread of corona. All people have so much free time on their hands, that they have started developing various habits and activities to keep themselves busy. From cooking to painting to reading new things and learning various makeup skills, this quarantine time is taken full advantage of.

People are sorting out their wardrobes, cleaning up their houses and organizing their DVDs racks in order to kill time and live presently in this quarantine period. All those things that were taken for granted or postponed are very much on the scene now.

Spend time organizing your make up in a makeup organizer, bag or boxes

Have you considered doing anything productive while you are stuck in quarantine? If you haven’t decided anything yet, we have an idea for you. How about organizing your make up products using make up organizers, makeup bags or makeup boxes?

Organizing makeup tools is a task and it’s always impossible to complete it if you are working on a full-time job and have an active social life but now you don’t have that excuse. You still might have your job but your social life has reduced to nil which means you have ample time to sort out your expensive makeup products.

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7 simple ideas to sort out your makeup without leaving your house

There are so many ways you can organize your makeup products without moving out of the house. We have shared below some ideas that can help you use your makeup box, makeup bag and a makeup organizer to put in place your products and tools. Choose the one or two or even more, your feel is great for your makeup. Use your time to be creative and organized.

  1. Find a fixed place for all your makeup products

First thing first, make sure that all your makeup products are in one place. It is very wrong to have your lipsticks in your bag and your eyeliners in your other handbag. When you will have everything in front of your eyes, you won’t create a mess when looking for them and this will save half of your energy to do something else.

  1. Use a makeup organizer properly

If you are a makeup junkie, there is no way you can’t have a makeup organizer at your home. A good makeup organizer is one that has various sections so that you can put all your things separately to avoid any unnecessary clutter. Make sure to keep your organizer clean at all times. You can label the sections of your makeup organizers with the products you want to put in for example label a section with lipsticks, and put all your lipsticks there. Follow this rule religiously.

  1. Use your bathroom space to hang up cups for your makeup.

Use all the spare plastic cups in your house, hang them in your bathroom space to put in your makeup. Use the counter space in your bathroom to the fullest. Decorate the cups with ribbons and paint to make them look fancy well.

  1. If you don’t have a makeup organizer, you can create one at home

There is no way you can step out of your house now, so it’s better to use everything in your home to create a makeup organizer for yourself. Take a brown cardboard box and divide the inside into various sections using a tape. Once you have got your sections made, label them and put your products in. The bigger the box, the more the sections.

To give your box a lovely and pretty look, use ribbons and stickers to decorate the outside of the box and put in at a corner of your dressing table.

  1. Create a hanging makeup bag for all your brushes

You might have felt that you do not have enough space to keep everything on your dressing table. To overcome this problem, create a hanging makeup bag with pockets to put all your makeup brushes in. Make sure your pockets are of the same width as your brushes so your brushes are properly stuck inside. Keep the pockets open from both top and bottom. Start with a piece of cloth. Stitch small pockets using a contrasting cloth, a needle and a thread. You can also watch YouTube videos to get the idea. Fix the cloth on your wall by using glue or simply just nail it in. Fix your brushes in the pockets and tada, you are done.

  1. To make things easy, use a simple box as your makeup box

If you aren’t in the mood to do anything long and creative, simply get your hands on your cereal, biscuit or delivery boxes and label them with the products you want to put in. Although this might take so much space, as long as your makeup isn’t lying here and there, this idea is acceptable.

  1. Reuse your old plastic food boxes to get yourself a makeup box

Now that you aren’t leaving your home for a month at least, how about reusing your food boxes and turning them into separate or one single makeup box. This is the best way to utilize those lazy, good for nothing boxes to organise your blush ons, highlighters and bronzer.

Please Note: While you decide to organize your makeup, it is also important to clean them before you put them into boxes or bags. Your brushes might have never been cleaned since you bought them so how about using this free time to clean them up before you use them next.

Utilise your quarantine time to the fullest

These methods are so easy to implement and can also save you from getting bored while you are counting days to get free from this quarantine. Try these out and let us know if our tips and tricks have worked brilliantly for you.

Filed under: Makeup & Hair, Tips and Myths

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