Are you terrified of your next waxing experience? Does the pain you faced from the last session still haunt you?
Don’t worry. You are not alone.
Many people like you have had painful waxing experiences all their lives. From putting on the hot wax to pulling the pesky hair, each step has been a traumatizing episode of pain for them.
However, times have changed now. To ensure that your waxing session goes as smooth as ever, here are a few tips that you may want to follow today.
Read to find them out.
Waxing and painless- these two words don’t get along well. However, with certain tips, you can use them together.
The most crucial mistake we all make is that we take waxing for granted. We consider it a universal procedure that is right for all.
But that’s not the case. If you have sensitive skin, a waxing procedure may not be a perfect idea. It may leave your skin burned, giving you sheer discomfort for a long time.
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So, how to be safe here? To make sure that your skin goes through the correct waxing procedure, meet a consultant and get your skin evaluated first. They will guide you on whether it is a safe procedure or not.
Besides, a good consultant will also help you know all the post-waxing effects, so you will be better prepared for the future.
Don’t want your skin to suffer because of this procedure? In that case, exfoliate your skin at least two or three days before your waxing session.
Exfoliation helps remove the dead cells on your skin so that the wax can get a solid grip on your hair than the skin.
What does it do? This makes you feel less pain as the hair is pulled using the wax and the strip.
Here is another trick but only apply it if your doctor permits. Take a pain reliever before the waxing session starts. This will help you feel less pain during and after the procedure. Plus, these medicines help reduce the duration of inflammation, resulting in fast recovery from the procedure.
Halawa Wax vs. Traditional Wax
However, if you are allergic to ibuprofen, skin this trick unless your consultant allows it.
Don’t make the mistake of going for a wax session if your body hair is too short or long. That’s because your wax strip won’t be able to pull them out in one go, and that means that your technician may have to use several strips for a complete waxed skin.
Choosing the Right Waxing Method: Strips, Hot Wax, or Sugaring?
This is not only time-consuming but also incredibly discomforting. Therefore, ensure that when your hair is ¼ in size, only then get them trimmed.
Dehydrated skin is home to inflammation and patches after waxing. That’s the least you want to experience after spending an hour or more at a salon.
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Therefore, to avoid it, drink lots of water so your skin feels fuller. Besides, avoid alcohol and caffeine at all costs. They make your skin dehydrated, and that’s not a perfect situation to have before waxing.
Waxing brings lots of redness, inflammation and swelling with it. Don’t panic. Instead, apply a moisturizer as soon as you are done with pulling all the hair.
This is a great way to lessen the post-waxing pain.
Also, try wearing loose clothes after waxing. This helps prevent friction and decrease a build-up of sweat.
Having periods? In that case, we won’t recommend you to have a waxing session for a week or two.
That’s because during this phase your body may already be suffering from inflammation. This implies that you may have severe sensitive skin to deal with.
Waxing Myths Busted: Separating Fact from Fiction
Therefore, waxing isn’t a good idea at this phase at all.
If you want to reduce your body hair for good, opt for regular waxing sessions. This implies that don’t wax now and then forget about the procedure for six months, only to restart the process.
Regular waxing, once or twice every month, helps your body get used to it. Plus, your body hair starts reducing eventually, which decreases the number of times you require a waxing session.
Now that you know all the tricks to reduce pain during and after waxing, are you up for applying them for your next session? If yes, make sure that you also pick a good waxing expert so that your experience goes as smoothly as possible.
Filed under: Skin Care, Tips and Myths
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