How to get rid of loose skin? Find out everything you need to know about this, right here!
Have you recently lost weight? If yes, then that’s great but what’s up with your loose skin after weight loss? Is it bothering you and impacting your self-esteem to the point that you are regretting losing weight?
Loose skin, after a weight-loss, is highly frustrating and demotivating. It takes away the happiness that you feel after a weight loss and to tighten loose skin after weight loss requires lots of additional efforts, which again adds up to your miseries. There are so many reasons as to why we develop loose skin. Before we find ways on how to get rid of loose skin, let’s understand why we get loose skin in the first place. Here are a few reasons:
Weight loss is great and healthy, but it comes up with some really hard side effects. When you exercise or diet to lose weight, your skin gets stretched for a long time, every day. This prolonged stretching of the skin ends up damaging the elastic fibers. This results in your skin losing the ability to withdraw. As a consequence, excess skin starts hanging from your body when you lose a lot of weight. This not only damages your outlook but also has a negative effect on your confidence.
You just had a baby and that’s great but you are upset the way you look now. This isn’t a hidden fact anymore that pregnancy can affect your body in ways more than you can imagine. Most of the changes that pregnancy brings with itself disappear right away, after delivery. But some such as loose skin stay there for a long time until you start doing something about it. Pregnancy and weight gain go hand in hand. When you gain weight while pregnant, your skin’s elastin and collagen expand making your skin expand. Once it has been stretched, your skin might find it hard to return to its original position and this is why you end up getting loose skin.
Ageing is another most popular reason behind losing skin. One faces losing skin when various external and internal factors start affecting the molecules that are responsible for maintaining the skin’s elasticity and firmness. When you start ageing, your skin starts losing collagen and elastic fibers, which are some essential factors in keeping your skin tight and hydrated. As your skin starts losing moisture, it eventually becomes loose.
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There are also some lifestyle choices and factors that can contribute to your loose skin. Consuming alcohol, smoking, getting your skin artificially tanned, taking steroids, using skin products that are made up of harsh chemicals and exposing yourself to ultraviolet light for a long time are some of the factors that can accelerate in your skin getting loose with time.
Stomach, arms, legs, face and buttocks are some of the common areas where people start losing skin because of any of the above reasons. To get quick skin tightening results, people often are seen to go for a cosmetic surgery procedure. This can help improve loose skin really fast but since it is a medical procedure, it comes with a high cost and various side effects. To avoid medical procedures, it is important to put in some efforts and achieve the tightening of your skin through some natural ways. Below are some of the ways that can tighten loose skin after weight loss, pregnancy or during ageing.
Just like anything else, exercise can tighten your loose skin as well. If you have loose skin because of weight loss, building muscles through weight exercises can help deal with the tightening of your hanging skin.
When an excess amount of fat causes swelling in your skin for a long period, it gets hard for your skin to shrink when you lose some weight. To overcome the appearance of that swelled skin, muscle mass makes up for the lost fat and makes your skin look less loose. If you have loose skin because of pregnancy, try consulting a doctor first before you start exercising.
The reason behind your loose skin is a decrease in the collagen levels of your skin. To overcome this reduction, collagen hydrolysate is consumed which looks quite similar to gelatin. It has been tested and proved to have a positive effect on your skin’s collagen. Another name for collagen hydrolysate is hydrolyzed collagen and can be purchased in natural food stores or online shops.
Also, if you are looking for natural food to tighten your loose skin, start consuming bone broth regularly. It is just not great for your skin but also has some great effects on your bones.
If you need to increase collagen in your body, these nutrients can help you do so:
Protein: Amino acids are essential in collagen production and some proteins are also vital for keeping your skin healthy.
Vitamin C: This is great for Collagen synthesis and also in protecting your skin from ultraviolet rays.
Omega-3 fatty acids: The omega – 3 acids found in fish are highly recommended to increase skin’s elasticity.
Water: There is nothing better than water. Drinking enough water on a daily basis, not only improves the appearance of your skin but also contributes positively towards the inner functioning of your body.
Massaging is perfect for dealing with loose skin. It helps to increase blood flow to the affected area and accelerate the anti-ageing process. You can also use a sugar scrub and massage it on your loose skin to increase blood flow.
Firming creams help change the appearance of your loose skin in quite a subtle way. Although the results after using a firming cream are quick unfortunately they aren’t permanent.
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The best firming cream for tightening your loose skin is the one that has retinoid. Retinoid can help with collagen production and can also prevent new skin from forming for a while. Retinoid can be found in grapeseed oil.
There is no end to the procedures and ways that can help you tighten loose skin after weight loss or pregnancy. Before you choose a method for yourself, make sure to seek a doctor’s help first so that whichever method you choose ends up being good for you, for a long time.
Filed under: Skin Care, Tips and Myths
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