These Seven Foods Can Increase Hair Loss. Avoid Them!
The foods we intake on a daily basis might cause hair loss and sometimes without even knowing it. So let’s look at the 7 worst foods that could cause hair loss and how you can avoid them to prevent hair loss.
Alcohol is considered one of the biggest factors in hair loss. When people drink alcohol, their body tends to get rid of every vitamin and mineral it doesn’t need immediately, including biotin (vitamin B7).
This can get complicated when your body becomes dependent on alcohol, which happens quickly for some people – creating a vicious cycle. If you’re drinking more than four drinks per week, there’s an 80 percent chance that you’ll develop a biotin deficiency.
We all know that sugar is bad for our health, but it can also cause big problems when it comes to our hair. When we eat foods with a high glycemic level like sugary snacks, white bread, and processed food, the sudden spike in blood sugar leads to the production of insulin, which blocks another protein called “branch chain amino acids” from entering the follicles. The lack of branch chain amino acids will prohibit hair growth – leading to hair loss.
Toxins are harmful substances that damage or interfere with normal body processes. When your body is overloaded with toxins, it tries to shed them out of the body. This often leads to your hair shedding because toxins are removed through your scalp. The worst part? It’s almost impossible to avoid toxins, given that they’re in many different kinds of food products.
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So if you eat packaged or processed foods, drink tap water, or live in a highly polluted area, there are high chances that you have a toxic overload in your body – which means hair loss for you!
Protein is one of the main building blocks of our bodies and when we don’t get enough protein in our diet, our bodies tend to burn out our own muscles (including hair follicles) instead.
Hair loss occurs because when there is not much protein available then the body will use more of it for energy. The lack of protein in the body leads to the loss of strength and shine, which make up your hair’s healthiness.
Diet sodas are packed with sodium benzoate, a preservative that has been linked to causing hair loss. Studies have shown that when mixed with vitamin C, this preservative becomes benzene – a toxin that can destroy blood cells. It also increases oxidative stress – one of the Biggest factors in hair loss.
You might not know but some brands of processed eggs are grown using toxic biocides known as dichlorvos and trichloronate. They’re used to kill parasites and prevent diseases such as avian flu. However, these chemicals can lead to hair loss if present in high quantities within your body.
Several studies have linked red meat consumption with a possible increase in testosterone levels. The excess amount of testosterone disrupts the natural ratio between testosterone and DHT, which is a hormone associated with hair loss.
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So it’s better to eat red meat in moderation if you want to avoid hair loss from occurring. There are many other foods that cause hair loss but at least you now know that those 7 worst foods could cause hair loss – so stay away from them!
There are specific foods that increase oxidative stress or prevent blood flow to the scalp which can lead to hair loss. So if you want to avoid hair loss, it’s best to eat a diet high in antioxidants and low in pro-inflammatory foods.
Filed under: Makeup & Hair, Tips and Myths
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