Find out how through these 6 Home Remedies you can save your neck from turning dark
Most women are very conscious of how their skin looks and feels. Who doesn’t love glowing soft skin anyways but a majority of women just take care of the skin on their face. They completely ignore their necks. The skin on the neck is as important as on any other part of the body but most women take their necks for granted. Your neck goes through the same kind of exposure that your face does so the chances of it going dark with time are pretty high. If not taken care of, dirt and pollutants tend to settle down on the neck area which then leads to damaged skin around the neck. The darkening of the skin on the neck area is called Hyperpigmentation which results in wrinkles, blemishes and dark patches.
Taking care of your neck is also very important. Some women fail to realize that. In this article, to make things easy for you, we have listed down some quite effective home remedies to treat your dark neck. But before we jump toward our remedies, let’s understand why the neck gets darker in the first place.
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There are many reasons that can lead to your neck turning dark with time but what’s important is to know how to control this darkening process and ensure that the skin around the neck remains healthy and bright. To avoid your skin from turning dark, we have listed 6 home remedies for you that promise to treat your dark neck in no time.
Aloe Vera is a miracle plant when it comes to treating skin issues. Aloe Vera has a substance called Aloesin that has properties that help in the skin lightening process. This substance works as an enzyme and works towards skin pigmentation.
Extract the gel from cutting and opening the Aloe Vera leaf. Take the gel and use it as a scrubber on your neck. Scrub your neck for at least 10 minutes every day. Once scrubbed properly, rinse your neck with some cold water.
Baking soda is known for being a great healer when it comes to treating hyper pigmentation. Baking soda is an exfoliant which makes it a natural substance to treat dark necks and armpits.
To treat your dark with baking soda, make a paste by adding a tablespoon of water to three tablespoons of baking soda. Mix well to make a paste. Apply the paste to your neck and rinse it after 10 minutes. Follow this remedy, at least twice every week for prominent and early results.
Cucumbers prove to be so soothing and refreshing when it comes to treating skin. Mixing lemon juice with cucumber juice ends up creating a toner that is great to treat all kinds of pigmentation.
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Extract the same quantity of lemon and cucumber juices and mix them well. Take a cotton ball and dip it in the mixture. Massage your neck with the cotton ball and leave the mixture for at least 10 minutes. Rinse the neck and see the results. This remedy doesn’t require much effort so try following this every day.
Fungal infections can also lead to extreme Hyper pigmentation. Turmeric has anti-fungal properties that are very powerful in treating skin’s suffering from a fungal infection. Gram flour works as a great scrubber and removes any dead skin cells that might be causing the skin to turn dark.
Mix gram flour in turmeric powder and add some water to form a paste. Apply this paste to your neck until it dries up. Scrub the dry paste on your neck by using your wet fingers. Rinse your face afterwards. Repeat this remedy three days a week.
Almond oil is known as a skin rejuvenating product and is also a bleacher that improves the skin’s complexion and tone. Tea tree oil improves the circulation of blood and removes any scars or acne that may be present.
Mix a few drops of almond oil with two drops of tea tree oil. Apply this mixture of oil to your neck. Massage your neck with this oil mixture. Move your fingers in a circular motion for about 20 minutes. Once done, rinse off your neck with some warm water. Do this daily and enjoy the results after a month.
Potatoes are rich in an enzyme which is named catecholase. This enzyme bleaches and lights up the skin.
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Extract juices from a potato and a lemon and mix the two juices together. Apply this mixture of potato juice for face skin to the areas of your neck with Hyper pigmentation. Keep the mixture for 15 minutes and later rinse your neck using cold water. Make this remedy a part of your skincare routine and perform it daily.
Following a good skin care routine with some great hygiene habits will make your neck glow and stay healthy. Follow the above remedies and let us know how these changes your life.
Filed under: Skin Care, Tips and Myths
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