If you are someone with a chubby face, you are truly blessed because a chubby face is great to work on when it comes to makeup. We love a chubby face but to make it prominent and to highlight its best features, some great makeup tricks and tips are required. Applying makeup without caring about the real techniques, is just a waste of money and time. Irrespective of your face’s shape, makeup is that one thing that only looks good when applied properly.
For a defined and slim face, we have listed down some quite effective makeup tricks that can help bring out the best from your chubby face.
So, dear ladies, brace yourself! We have sorted out 7 unbelievable makeup tricks for you that will help you get the kind of face you want for yourself.
Trick # 1 The Art of Contouring
Contouring is a great soft makeup skill that can help shape your face just the way you want. For people with chubby cheeks, contouring can help slim down your face provided it’s done with the right technique. Contouring makes your face look slimmer and sharp. It gives your cheeks a good lift. There are two things with contouring that need to be perfect to generate a successful output. Firstly, for contouring, use a contour palette that has two shades of darker colours. You can also look for an appropriate shade contour stick.
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Secondly, learn the art of blending. Blend well when contouring. Blending helps in forming the illusion of a slimmer face.
Trick # 2 Use Highlight the right way
Highlight, when put right, can be very useful to give your face an angular look. The secret with a highlighter is that don’t use it everywhere. Highlight your forehead, nose and under eye only. When it comes to putting a highlighter on your cheeks, apply it to the centre of your face. For a round face, try to highlight the centre of your face. Use any form of highlighter for example powder or liquid but keep the glow low and focus on the areas of your face that you need to slim down.
Trick # 3 Let your lips grab all the attention
The thing with chubby faces is that they catch attention quite easily. To avoid that, try diverting attention to your lips. Use dark lipstick shades such as plums, deep reds, dark pinks and dark browns to draw attention away from your face. You can go for matte shades as well as liquid lipstick shades. This trick is probably the simplest trick that there is.
Also, apply your lipstick properly. Don’t just paint your lips rather shape them with your chosen shade. Take help from a lip liner to form a great shape. You can also always use concealer on top of your lips to let the colour pop.
Trick # 4 Apply blush with our technique
Most people avoid using blush. Well, this is the biggest makeup mistake that they make. Blushing is very important. Using a proper blush and applying it through a proper technique, are quite crucial when aiming to achieve a slimmer face. A Blush is pretty useful as it highlights your features and also promotes good skin.
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A blush with a matte finish sets well on a chubby face. Find yourself a blush shade that looks and feels warm on your skin tone. The technique of applying blush is simple. First, determine where exactly the apple of your cheek is. Once found, apply blush on the outer boundary of your cheek’s apple and blend your blush towards your ears.
Trick # 5 Treat your forehead with love
Your forehead is a king when it comes to treating a chubby face. Don’t forget to pay attention to your forehead. Highlight and contour your forehead as it can prevent your face from looking chubby. Apply blush and blend it properly on your forehead. Keep blending to achieve an emphasized bone structure starts appearing. Use a dark shade blush to form an illusion.
Trick # 6 Shape your eyebrows perfectly
Enhance the shape of your eyebrows using simple tips and tricks. Well-shaped eyebrows create a great impact on your personality. Make sure your eyebrows are properly tweezed. You can use brow powder to pull your eyebrows upwards and outwards. Always use an eyebrow pencil to fill all the gaps in your eyebrows and define their shape. Eyebrows that are neatly done not only look great but also make your face look longer.
Trick # 7 Let your eyes speak
Beautiful eyes are a great asset. They have a great impact on your overall face. If you know what shape your eyes are, you must work on your eye makeup techniques to make your face look great. There are different shape types when it comes to eyes.
With different shapes come different makeup techniques. With Monolid eyes, eye makeup must be focused on creating a fake crease. If you have downturned eyes, focus on lifting them by using a wing eyeliner. The same goes for round eyes. You can play around with your eyes according to their types. With eyes catching more attention, your chubby face stays away from the limelight.
Applying the above makeup tricks on your face will definitely lift your face and make it look slimmer. But don’t run away from the fact that each face is different so change the techniques a bit if you feel you aren’t able to achieve the exact results that you wish for.
In addition to that, use good makeup products. Nothing can beat the results of a good-quality makeup kit. So, always read your makeup expiry date before buying and look for products that have great customer reviews.
All the makeup tricks above will definitely create magic for your face but don’t let your inner confidence die. Feel confident about your body and accept it as a wonderful gift from God. Makeup is temporary but this belief is permanent and it will help you live with a content mind.
Filed under: Makeup & Hair, Tips and Myths
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